General Information
Desired Move In Date (Month/Day/Year: 11/18/1980):
Are you interested in renting a garage?:
Desired Apartment Type:
Do you have any pets?:
If 'Yes', please describe which kind(s), and how many?:
If you saw a property that you liked, could you afford to put down first month's rent and security deposit?:
Does anyone on this application have outstanding utility bills of over $3000?
If 'Yes', who?:
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?
If 'Yes', when? (Month/Day/Year: 11/18/1980):
Have you or anyone on this application ever been convicted of a felony?
If 'Yes', please describe the sitation:
Have you ever been evicted?
If 'Yes', please tell us when and why:
Have you or anyone on this application ever been convicted of dealing or manufacturing illegal drugs?
If 'Yes', when?:
Do you have any recurring problems with your current landlord?
If 'Yes', please describe them:
If you were to run into financial difficulty in the future, and couldn't come up with the money to pay your rent, do you know someone that would loan you the money?:
If 'Yes', please give us their name, address, and phone number so that we can use them as a reference for you:
We will run a background and credit check on you. If you'd care to comment on anything that we'll find, please do so here:
Where did you hear about our apartment for rent?: